Otto Dix
Otto Dix: Matthäus Evangelium
German Expressionist artist, Otto Dix , boldly recounts the story of the Book of Matthew with 34 lithographs. The cycle commences with an interpretation of the Sacrifice of Isaac as it looks forward to the work of the Savior, but the life of Jesus begins with the Adoration of the Magi, then it moves through his ministry and focuses on the Passion. Interestingly, Otto Dix ends the series with an image entitled, Go Therefore into the World, acknowledging that the work of the Gospel continues as we proclaim Christ’s redemption. Matthaüs Evangelium has 33 lithographs and the signed title page, a self-portrait, and a lithograph poster portraying the artist and a grandchild.
A woodcut self-portrait and an original lithograph poster of the artist and his grandchild adds a final touch to the show.
Each print is framed to 20” x 16” and is ready for hanging.
The exhibition comes with:
• labeling information with the biblical text associated with the image
• file for an accompanying brochure/handout with an essay written by Sandra Bowden
• digital images of each piece of art
• shipping and crating information
1. Abraham and Isaac
2. Wise Men Visit the Christ Child
3. Flight to Egypt
4. Massacre of the Innocents in Bethlehem
5. Baptism of Jesus
6. The Temptation
7. Calling of Peter
8. Sermon on the Mount
9. Stilling the Storm
10. Healing of the Two Demonics
11. Healing of Jarius’s daughter
12. Healing of the Blind
13. Towns and Villages
14. Sign of Jonah
15. Beheading of John the Baptist
16. Feeding the Five Thousand
17. Healing of the Lepers
18. Transfiguration of Jesus
19. Coin in the Mouth of the Fish
20. The Greatest in Heaven—Children
21. Entering Jerusalem
22. The Ten Virgins
23. The Sacrificial Lamb
24. The Last Supper
25. Gethsemane
26. The Capture of Jesus
27. Betrayal of Peter
28. King of the Jews
29. Scoffing
30. Carrying the Cross
31. Crucifixion
32. Angel at Tomb
33. Go Therefore into the World
34. Signed Title Page
35. Self Portrait with Grandchild poster
36. Self Portrait (Selbstbildnis)
The show rents for $300 /month, with a minimum of 4 weeks per venue. With the rental of two months the third month is free.
Bowden Collections offers a variety of traveling exhibitions available to museums, churches, colleges and seminaries: several feature the work of important historical artists such as Georges Rouault, Marc Chagall, Ottos Dix and Alfred Manessier; others explore topics related to the Bible. A packet containing everything needed to mount the exhibition with files for labels, itemized lists, a brochure or flyer in PDF format, high-resolution digital files of art in the exhibition, and shipping information is provided. Venues are responsible for the rental fee and shipping, usually to the following venue.
Abraham and Isaac
Wise Men Visit the Child
Flight to Egypt
Massacre of the Innoncents
Baptism of Jesus
The Temptation
Calling of Peter
Sermon on the Mount
Stilling the Storm
Healing of the Demoniac
Healing of Jairus's Daughter
Healing of the Blind
Towns and Villages
Sign of Jonah
Beheading of John
Feeding of the Five Thousand
Healing of the Lepers
Transfiguration of Jesus
Coin in the Mouth of the Fish
The Greatest in Heaven
Entering Jerusalem
The Ten Virgins
The Sacrificial Lamb
The Last Supper
The Capture of Jesus
Betrayal of Peter
King of the Jews
Carrying the Cross
Angel at the Tomb
Go Therefore into the World
Self Portrait woodcut
Beheading of John2
34 - 35
Exhibitions of this Collection
Feb 1 – April 30, 2023
Concordia Theological Seminary
6600 N. Clinton St. Fort Wayne, IN 46825
(260) 452-2197
Contact; Paul Grime, PhD,
September 1, 2022 to January 15, 2023
The Kings College, NYC
56 Broadway NY NY 10004
Contact: Harry Bleattler,
January 12 to March 30, 2020
Sojourn Church Midtown
1207 S Shelby St
Louisville Ky 40203
Michael Winters
October 5 to December 20, 2019
Messiah College, Aughinbaugh Gallery
One College Avenue
Mechanicsburg, PA 17055
Contact: Elizabeth Durbin,
(717) 571-4039
October 1 - 31, 2017
University of Rio Grande, Greer Museum
218 N College St, Rio Grande, Ohio 45674
Contact: James Allen,
740 709 6214
The show rents for $250 /month, with a minimum of 4 weeks per venue. With the rental of two months the third month is free.
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