Rudolph Bostic
By John Kohan
Corrugated cardboard is the work horse of paper products. Made from ribbed layers of heavy paper glued between smooth outer sheets, this paragon of packing materials is cost-effective, lightweight, durable, malleable, and easily recycled. Discarded cardboard panels have become the material of choice for many artists in this economically-challenged, environmentally-conscious age. They can be sliced, torn, shredded, layered, glued, painted, and molded into everything from textured corporate logos to free-standing sculptural pieces.
Rudolph Valentino Bostic was creating recycled cardboard art long before the current “green art” trend began . . .
The show rents for $400 /month, with a minimum of 4 weeks per venue. With the rental of two months the third month is free.
Cardboard Chronicles:
The Biblical Art of Rudolph Bostic
This show brings together twenty-three paintings from one of America’s most amazing self-taught artists. His vibrant images, rendered in enamel and house paint with a shimmering glossy finish on cardboard and his flamboyant use of color put him in a category all his own.
Rudolph, who lived in Savannah, Georgia, and died in 2021, says that his inspirations come from many sources, “especially the Bible and reproductions of the works of the masters such as Rembrandt, Leonardo da Vinci and Michelangelo.” Bostic’s work was featured in the 2005 inaugural exhibition of the Hurn Museum of Contemporary Folk Art in Savannah, GA, and his art is in the permanent collection of the High Museum in Atlanta, GA. Some of the most prestigious southern galleries of folk art represent Bostic’s paintings.
Cardboard Chronicles begins with The Creation of Adam, Adam and Eve Naming the Animals and Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil, then turns to the colorful story of Noah. Many of his paintings portray the life of Christ. Comforting Mary (Annunciation) begins this journey, and Nativity with Angel portrays the incarnation of the Lord. Peace Be Still is a stunning interpretation of his encounter on the Sea of Galilee with his disciples, and The Last Supper is a real testimony to the influence of historical art on Bostic’s work. The show includes images of the death of Christ; Crucifixion, Pietà, and Lamentation/Two Women at Jesus’ Death. Angels Receive Orders from Jesus offers us the finale to Cardboard Chronicles: The Biblical Art of Rudolph Bostic.
Bowden Collections offers a variety of traveling exhibitions available to museums, churches, colleges and seminaries: several feature the work of important historical artists such as Georges Rouault, Marc Chagall, Ottos Dix and Alfred Manessier; others explore topics related to the Bible. A packet containing everything needed to mount the exhibition with files for labels, itemized lists, a brochure or flyer in PDF format, high-resolution digital files of art in the exhibition, and shipping information is provided. Venues are responsible for the rental fee and shipping, usually to the following venue.
Creation of Adam
Adam and Eve Naming the Animals
Midnight in the Garden of of Good and Evil
Noah with the Animals and Angels
Noah's Ark
Abraham and Isaac
Moses at the Rock
Jonah Tossed Overboard
King David
Annunciation, Comforting Mary
Nativity With Angel
Peace: Jesus Calms the Sea
Christ the Good Shepherd
Lazarus Resurrected
Wrestling with the Angel
Last Supper
Angels Surround Christ on the Cross
Lamentation/ Two Marys at Jesus' Death
Lake of Fire/Angels Thrown from Heaven
Angels Receive Orders from Jesus
23 - 23
Exhibitions of this Collection
April 15, 2024 to May 15, 2025.
Glencairn Museum
1001 Cathedral Road PO Box 757 Bryn Athyn, PA, 19009
January 1 to April 30, 2023
Belmont University
1900 Belmont Boulevard
Nashville, TN 37212
Contact: Dr. Todd Lake,
615 460 6628
Sept 1 – Dec 30, 2023
LaGrave Ave. Christian Reformed Church
107 LaGrave Avenue SE
Grand Rapids, Michigan 49503
Contact person: David Versluis
cell 712.441.9909
June 1 to August 30, 2022
Greenwich Presbyterian Church
15305 Vint Hill Road
Nokesville, VA 20181
Phone: 703.754.7933
Contact: Maria Duffus
Glen Howell,
February 1 – April 30, 2022
First Presbyterian Church, Flint
746 S. Saginaw St. Flint, MI 48503
Contact: Rosemary Lutz,
August 15 to December 10, 2019
St Lukes Anglican Church
50 Pope Ave, Hilton Head Island, SC 29928
Contact: Meryl Newell
(843) 785-4099
November 1 to January 10, 2019
Grace Point Church of Northwest Arkansas
STORY: The Gallery at Grace Point
Tim Logan, Gallery Director, 479-586-6268
February 1, 2019 to April 30, 2019
Gordon-Conwell Seminary
14542 Choate Circle
Charlotte, NC 28273
Contact: Nicole Martin,
(704) 236-8111
July 31 to September 17, 2017
Sojourn Church
1207 S Shelby St, Louisville, KY 40203
Contact: Michael Winters
April 22 to June 30, 2017
All Saints Anglican Church
2751 E Galloway St, Springfield MO 65804
Contact Robert Little
417 888 3001
The show rents for $400 /month, with a minimum of 4 weeks per venue. With the rental of two months the third month is free.
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