Most Highly Favored




Most Highly Favored:

The Life of the Virgin Mary


It would be impossible to overstate the influence that the Virgin Mary has had upon Western culture. For nearly two thousand years Mary has been the most often used name for girls. There are literally dozens of variants for her name found all around the world. Mary is the English form of Maria, which has its origins in the Hebrew name, Miriam. Even in predominately Muslim speaking countries, Maryam (Arabic) is a very popular name due to the respect given to the mother of Jesus. Literally hundreds of churches, colleges, universities, and seminaries have chosen “Saint Mary’s” as the name of their institution. Without a doubt she has been portrayed more than any woman in western art and music. It would be impossible to count all of the “Madonna and Child” paintings. How many times have the Magnificat and Stabat Mater texts have been set to music over the centuries?


Mary is recognized by all Christians as the mother of Jesus, but devotion and admiration for her has been mostly within the Catholic and Orthodox traditions. While her role in the nativity and birth of Jesus is recalled each December at Christmas, Protestants hear little about her the rest of the year. Many can identify with the author, Kathleen Norris, when she wrote about her upbringing; “We dragged Mary out at Christmas…and…packed her safely in the crèche box for the rest of the year.” For too long she has been the victim of a Protestant conspiracy of silence, but recently there has been a growing interest in the person of Mary and the rightful place she played in the life of Jesus and the life of the church. This exhibition has been curated to help the viewer learn and explore more about this Most Highly Favored Lady.


The title of the exhibition, drawn from the angel Gabriel’s greeting to Mary in Luke 1:28 and the Basque hymn, Most Highly Favored Lady, sets the tone of the show. Most Highly Favored: the Life of the Virgin Mary reflects the varied understandings of Mary by artists rendered in the visual vocabulary of their times and places. The show is broken into three sections: Mary as Madonna, Mary in the Bible, and Mary around the World, each depicting in visual terms an important aspect of the life of Mary.


Most Highly Favored includes forty paintings, sculptures and objects of devotion by artists from over twenty countries. The art comes from such places as Greece, Sweden, Japan, Russia, Central and Eastern Europe, Africa, the Balkans, Central and South America, and the United States. This exhibition includes works by internationally known printmakers such as Albrecht Dürer, Anders Zorn and Annibile Carracci. Some of the works are by contemporary artists such as Bruce Herman and Nancy Goes who see Mary as still having relevance in our time. Totally unknown artists, calligraphers and craftspeople, who have spent countless hours crafting beautiful objects that help us recall the life of the Virgin Mary, are also included in the show. The art in Most Highly Favored covers a wide range of media: Italian Renaissance style paintings, medieval and modern woodcuts, delicate etchings, along with classically sculpted statues, Byzantine inspired icons and illuminated manuscripts from Europe and the Middle East. All of these come together to offer a visual feast that inspires and communicates not only how the life of Mary has influenced the church, but also how her life still lives on in cultures around the globe.


This show contains:


  • File with high-resolution images of all works in the show
  • File with text for labels
  • File for Introduction panels
  • Information on unpacking and repacking show
  • Information on shipping the exhibition


Cost of rental is $400 per month (plus shipping). There is a two-month minimum. With the rental of two months the third month is free.

"I have to say that the feedback to this collection was quite strong. People were very impressed, really enjoyed it, and several people told me they found it very moving. I did. So that was a win! Thanks so much for doing what you do. Your contribution both to the church and the world at large, with all that you’ve collected and shared over the decades as well as everything else you’ve done has been such a profound blessing. "

-- Peace, Dwight

Worship Arts Director

St Andrew's | Mt Pleasant SC


"We went to visit the Mary show last week.  It was a quiet moment in a very busy time for us.


I loved the diversity of the show -- across time and place, across art forms (even cardboard and house paint!), and across the story of Mary -- from annunciation to Madonna and child to Pentecost.


As a Protestant we don't put much focus on Mary.  However, in looking at the show you have put together, I see her in a new light.  I see the young girl, the grieving mother, the leader of the earliest church.  I see another woman, mother, and believer, just like me.  Perhaps our Protestant tradition has taken away a valuable resource -- seeing the life of Christ as that of another human being, a member of a family, a beloved child.  It certainly would change our relationship with God to see God as closer to us than we ever understood."

 - Tiffany Holleck,
St Peter's Lutheran Church,
Harwich, MA


Bowden Collections offers a variety of traveling exhibitions available to museums, churches, colleges and seminaries: several feature the work of important historical artists such as Georges Rouault, Marc Chagall, Ottos Dix and Alfred Manessier; others explore topics related to the Bible. A packet containing everything needed to mount the exhibition with files for labels, itemized lists, a brochure or flyer in PDF format, high-resolution digital files of art in the exhibition, and shipping information is provided. Venues are responsible for the rental fee and shipping, usually to the following venue.

Mary as Madonna

Mary in the Bible

Mary Around the World

Exhibitions of this Collection


August 1, 2024 to December 30, 2024

Belmont University

1900 Belmont Boulevard

Nashville, TN 37212

Contact:  Dr. Todd Lake,

615 460 6628




The show rents for $400 /month, with a minimum of 4 weeks per venue. With the rental of two months the third month is free.


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