Sandra Bowden in the News
Gallery Talk Opens the Ecce Homo/Behold the Man MOBIA Gallery Exhibition
Sandra Bowden delivered a short talk to guests attending the opening reception for the Museum of the Bible in downtown Washington, D.C. as they officially opened the galleries to the public. The show is open until May, 2024. She discussed her long career of art-making that led to collecting great art on sacred biblical themes, and how she collected these fascinating prints on the theme "Behold the Man" AND "Man of Sorrows."
You can view the 30 minute video of her talk HERE.
Robert & Sandra Bowden Endow a New Doctoral Fellowship in Visual Arts at Duke
Posted on July 16, 2018
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Robert & Sandra Bowden open the Exhibition of Their ECCE HOMO/BEHOLD THE MAN collection at the Museum of the Bible
Posted on March 4, 2024
The centerpiece of the exhibit is the work of iconic surrealist artist Salvador Dalí, whose unique interpretation of the “Ecce Homo” moment adds depth and intrigue to the collection. Drawing from John 19, where Pontius Pilate presents Jesus to the crowd, the exhibit explores the evolving visualizations of Jesus's suffering during his trial, crucifixion and death via a rich variety of artistic styles and media. The artwork is graciously on loan from the Bowden Collections, a private gallery of Sandra Bowden, founder of Christians in the Visual Arts (CIVA) and former board member for the Museum of Biblical Art (MoBiA).
Included with general admission, guests to the museum may view the exhibit’s unique journey through art, history and faith on Floor 5.
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Sandra Bowden:
The Word in Art
FOR SOMEONE WHO is known for connecting the transcendence of faith with art, Sandra Bowden ‘77 seems surprisingly down to earth. A visit to her home in Chatham, Mass. on Cape Cod reveals a highly organized artist who runs her intersecting lives as a painter/printer, collector and curator with stunning efficiency. Her garage even doubles as a shipping center for sending her traveling shows out to museums, colleges and churches.
Sandra Bowden Open Exhibition with Gallery Talk
Bowdens Endow Doctoral Fellowship
Ecce Homo Show opens in D.C.
Sandra Bowden: The Word in Art
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